Whenever we build code from Android Studio the wifi and configuration on our control hub reset to the default, we have tried changing it before from the IP and in rev hardware, but whenever it receives code the wifi resets to default. This wasn’t a problem when we built from onbotjava. We would greatly appreciate help, especially since our competition is in a week. We have already contacted Rev and they didn’t help much. Thank You!
First things first, you cannot compare Android Studio and OnBot Java. Onbot Java only builds the code you write, but Android Studio builds and deploys an entirely new Robot Controller App with your code also included.
Different versions of Android Studio are also very very different in how they work. So we need to know first off which version of Android Studio you’re using, so maybe that will help us figure out what might be wrong. Regardless of the version of Android Studio, when you uninstall the Robot Controller App it removes the stored app configuration - an “upgrade” of the Robot Controller App does not. So if you install the default version of the Robot Controller App using the REV Hardware Client (which you should never do except in extreme situations) and then deploy with Android Studio (which builds and deploys an entirely new Robot Controller App) you’re often going to lose your settings. Different versions of Android Studio also have settings where you will clear your app settings on deploy, and those settings can be frustrating to find when someone (or something) accidentally enables them (or when different versions of Android Studio enable them by default).
One thing to check is whether or not “Always install with package manager” is somehow enabled in newer versions of Android Studio (in the Run/Debug configuration). That option will always clear app data between deployments. You DO NOT want it to be selected.
Another option is the “Clear app storage before deployment” setting, which will also clear your settings between deployments. You also DO NOT want it to be selected.
Finally, was it wise to change your build and software infrastructure a week from your competition?
We are using the Android Studio Ladybug. We switched infrastructure a few months ago, but have put off the problem for a while which I agree we should not have. I have already tried unchecking those two and seeing if anything changed, but nothing did. I’ll try again to see if I was missing some step.
It might also be helpful for us if you identify how you’re initially setting up your Robot Controller (give us the steps, one by one) and how you’re deploying (again, step by step, don’t skip anything). We might be able to help you identify what’s going wrong (that you might not realize you’re doing).
So I connected my computer to the control hub which was powered on via a USB-C cable and opened up Rev Hardware Client (which has been updated fully). There I reset the wifi and password to my own from the default (5 ghz), hit Apply Wifi-Changes. The box appeared that said it reset password, I hit ok. My computer then disconnected from that wifi, and then I reconnected it back with the new name and password info. I then updated the driver hub with the new password info so that it would connect the wifi. I then set the config to my already built out one and activated it. Back to my computer I pressed the button in android studio (the green arrow that goes in a circle) to deploy my code. When I deployed it again, it then reset to the default wifi.
I have checked that none of the stuff that you mentioned with the checkboxes were clicked. The only interesting thing is that when I deploy I get an error that reads:
Java compiler version 21 has deprecated support for compiling with source/target version 8.
Try one of the following options:
1. [Recommended] Use Java toolchain with a lower language version
2. Set a higher source/target version
3. Use a lower version of the JDK running the build (if you’re not using Java toolchain)
For more details on how to configure these settings, see Java versions in Android builds | Android Studio | Android Developers.
To suppress this warning, set android.javaCompile.suppressSourceTargetDeprecationWarning=true in gradle.properties.