Motor brake once OpMode is stopped

Is there a way using blocks to keep a motor frozen once STOP has been hit on TeleOp? It doesn’t seem likely as that function would be part of the OpMode being stopped. Rule G406 says that the drive team can put down their controllers at the end of the match and leave the OpMode active. Rule G502 says all OpModes must be stopped before anyone enters the field to retrieve robots. Is the intention to force a hardware only solution? We are concerned about robots falling from the rungs when STOP is hit.

With any robot control system (FTC, FRC, etc…) there’s no way to control a motor once the system has been disabled (in FTC’s case, pressing STOP on the DRIVER STATION APP). You wouldn’t want that, as it would be incredibly unsafe for a device to still be controlled by some external actor (e.g., control system) when it’s supposed to be STOPPED.

However, as you correctly identified G406 allows you to put down your controllers at the end of the match while the program is still running, and G502 forces all teams to press STOP before anyone can enter the field. If your robot comes crashing down to the floor when you press the STOP button, you absolutely should identify a way to prevent this from happening mechanically with the ROBOT. You will not be allowed to run any more programs to disengage your robot from the climbing rungs, and you must be able to remove game pieces from your robot without the assistance of software.

As a courtesy, I created a question on the Q&A that might help address your question. It’s a combination of multiple questions I’ve seen floating around but nobody has actually asked the official Q&A about:

I recommend you star the question so that your Q&A account (which doesn’t have to be given question-asking permissions) will be notified when the question is answered.

Thank you so much! I’ll watch the Q&A and I’ll start the team working on a locking hardware solution in the meantime.

Continuing the same OpMode would be the software solution, never hitting STOP. If you changed OpModes, the motors would release, right? After the match is complete and scored, but before anyone enters the field, pick the controller back up and guide the robot back down, then hit STOP. I’m not saying this is legal, I’ll watch the Q&A, but that seems like the only software solution with rule G502 the way it is.

Continuing the same OpMode would be the software solution, never hitting STOP. If you changed OpModes, the motors would release, right?

If you changed OpModes, yes, the motors would release (one OpMode has to STOP before another one can START).

After the match is complete and scored, but before anyone enters the field, pick the controller back up and guide the robot back down, then hit STOP. I’m not

You are correct, that would be the only software solution. However, this is incredibly unlikely (I can’t stress how unlikely) to be allowed, since some robots may take over a minute to climb up themselves and climbing back down would likely take a similar amount of time - definitely not practical.