Sorry for the rant that’s coming, I’ve been trying to fix a problem with my control hub’s internal IMU not reading Yaw Properly. I’m using the BHI260AP IMU in a brand-new rev control. I’m trying to use it for a field-centric program, my problem is that the imu yaw randomly stops and only reads 0 or -0, after a bit of driving around. I’ve isolated the control hub from any conductive materials, but I am using a rev resistive grounding strap to try and stop ESD attacks, It doesn’t fix the problem, it stops the imu from stopping as fast, but it still fails after a bit. I have only had this problem when it is inside of my robot, when I take it out, all works properly. This leads me to believe it is an EDS problem or has something to do with a power drop, as it does drop a few volts when moving around, even with only one motor being plugged in. I’m experiencing a problem similar to the one in this ftc-forum post: Losing IMU while driving . If you guys have any solutions or need any more info please let me know. I’ve been working on this for the past while and can’t figure out the problem.
Our solution is to use an external IMU. We gave up on the internal IMU after losing months to it.
Ok thanks, I’m going to try to order one soon.
If you’re going to buy an external IMU, ensure it has ESD protections. Redux Robotics makes the BORON Canandgyro which has ESD protections and has FTC ports of you remove it from the case.
Thanks for the tip, do you know of any Canadian companies for one ? I would just prefer to get one in sooner, I checked out the website and it said it would take about two weeks to get to me.
Tomorrow you should call Studica. Their navX is a phenomenal IMU, I just don’t know anything about their ESD resilience - and they can help you select the correct IMU version for your needs. I do know their documentation states you should put the navX into a 3D printed or otherwise case to mitigate ESD, but that’s good advice even if the device has protections on the inputs (there’s no way to protect against someone or something touching it internal to the circuit).
I’m almost certain you want this (but always best to call them, they know better) - this bundle even includes a case:
Alright thanks for the help, I appreciate it.