Team member can't access ML tools

I’m mentor for team 4475.

I’ve tried to add so they can use the ML tool chain. When they try to log in they get the message “invalid username or password”. When they try to reset, they never get a password reset email.

I’ve tried to add so they can use the ML tool chain. When they try to log in they get the message “No roles have been assigned to this account or no teams are associated with the given roles”. Furthermore, in the upper right corder is the text “Hello Quinn, Team”, but with no team #. When Quinn goes to their profile page they have no profile. Even though when I go to ftc-scoring I see as a team member of 4475.

In the screenshot above gmail is spelled incorrectly, assuming that the intent is gmail and not gmal. Correct the email address and I believe Quinn should be able to access the toolchain.

The problem with 813600 is that there is nobody registered on the FIRST dashboard with that email. Note the first sentence here: Granting Students/Team Members Access and the advisory therein to “Use the email that the student used to register with FIRST”.

Go here: Register to register with FIRST.

I have redacted elements of the original post due to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) concerns.

@gorillacoder I have corrected whatever problem was being experiencing on the back-end (a good “remove and re-add” did the trick). Your student should now have access to your team workspace.


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