Tflite custom model file location

hi there, may we know where the custom model file location should be? should it be in SDCard?

Nano Trojans FTC team

Have you had the opportunity to read section 6 of the manual? If you have any questions about those instructions, please feel free to ask specific questions. Be sure to include your language/environment in your question (or which specific section/step you have a question about).

We are using OnBot Java.

Yes, we read the manual and it says fully qualified path of the file, and then it says /sdcard/FIRST/tflitemodels/. so does that mean it has to be in sdcard?

Nano Trojans FTC team

What would be the point of putting it anywhere else?

If you use the default tflite Downloader utility built into the Robot Controller App specified in section 6.2, that’s the path that the downloader puts the files. However, if you decide to connect your laptop to the control hub and download the file to a different path that’s up to you. You can put the file in any valid path you want, just the file location must match the path you’re using.

/sdcard is the default path for the internal onboard storage on a Control Hub - don’t let that name fool you (like it did me), it’s NOT physically an SD card within the control hub, it’s actually the onboard media/storage chip (I would bet it’s called /sdcard for legacy reasons, even though it’s not an actual sdcard any more). If that’s what you’re concerned about - there’s no need for an external SD card to store files on.

EDIT: Edited post based on new information provided to me. The overall recommendation of this post didn’t change, just some of the details.